Monday, May 24, 2010

Sri Lankan authorities pay focus on sustainable energy

(May 24, 2010) Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority has initiated a programme to set up Sri Lanka’s first ever major scale solar power plant. A 50-acre land in Baruthakanda that has been declared as a Solar Power Zone in Hambantota has been selected to establish two solar power plants.

The capacities of the proposed plants are 600kw and 500kw. Renewable Energy Director of Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority Athula Jayatunga said to media that Japan would grant US $ 9 million for the 600kw plant, while Korea will fund the 500kw plant with US $ 4.5 million.

Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority is to develop infrastructure for both facilities.

A power supply of 1, 237,500 kw will be added to the National Grid after the generation of these two plants begin. They are also expected to save Rs22.5 million of the annual expenses on fuel for the Ceylon Electricity Board.


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