Friday, July 9, 2010

Sri Lanka agricultural authorities in a move to commercialize organic farming

(July 09, 2010) Agricultural authorities of Sri Lanka is trying to make organic farming another commercial farming method.

Organic Fertilizer Bureau says that Sri Lanka government has allocated Rs. 225 million to popularize the production and use of organic fertilizer in the country.

The aim of the government is to minimize the use of imported chemical fertilizer through the popularization of organic fertilizer among farmers. Sri Lanka government spends Rs. 65 billion annually for the fertilizer subsidy. This subsidy goes mainly to the rice industry.

The Bureau reports say that already 12,000 acres of paddy are cultivated in Hambanthota, Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Monaragala and Ampara districts with the use of organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer.

Department of Agriculture has commenced 10 research centers island wide for popularization of organic fertilizer. The Bureau is to provide Rs. 500,000 each for these centers to improve the infrastructure of these centers.


Unknown said...

As these people have already suffered we must make sure that these people are not victimised by the chemical war of the ruthless chemical companies

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