Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Anomalies in distribution of subsidized fertilizer by government of Sri Lanka

(October 20, 2010) Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reforms (MONLAR) of Sri Lanka urges the government to rectify the administrative errors of distribution of fertilizer to the rice farmers under the government subsidy.

The government spends Rs. 28 billion per annum for the fertilizer subsidy of the rice farmers to supply fertilizer at 4% of the actual market price. However, the farmers point out that some of the farmer organizations that are responsible of distribution of fertilizer engage malpractices.

Farmers complain that the farmer organizations add high transport costs to the 50 kilogram fertilizer bag and sell them well over Rs. 50 to the government subsidized price of Rs. 350.

Another issue highlighted is the lack of proper method to measure small amounts less than 10 kilograms that should be given to farmers according to the size of the land of the farmers. The farmers allege that these amounts of fertilizer that is spared from the farmers add into a huge stock finally that is swindled by the unscrupulous officials.

The farmers charge that the officials of the Peasants Service Centers are also meddled with corrupt deals of the farmer organizations.


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