Thursday, December 16, 2010

Coconut; once major export, now imported

(December 16, 2010) Sri Lanka government has decided to import cocnut to eradicate the shortage and the escalation of prices.

Sri Lanka Ministry of Consumer Affairs is now taking measures to import coconut, sources say.

The import is to be done by next week. The amounts of import is yet to be known.

The price of cocnut has risen sharply in Sri Lanka and a nut is sold atound Rs. 45 now. Coconut is a basic commodity of Sri Lankans that use the coconut juice in cooking curry.

Meanwhile, the Coconut Development Board has taken measures to purchase coconut from state tands and to sell them at fair price. Coconut Development Board trucks sell coconut at Rs. 30 per nut at selected places and one person is allowed to buy five nuts each.


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