Friday, January 7, 2011

Imported eggs in Sri Lanka's markets; local industry at peril

(January 07, 2010) Sri Lanka Minister of Cooperatives and Internal Trade Johnston Fernando says that a stock of three million eggs were to be cleared from the ports today and 70 million eggs have been ordered to control the escalating price of eggs at local markets.

He denied the allegations of the opposition and the local poultry associations that the imported eggs are not suitable for consumption.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the All Lanka Poultry Industry Union Dr. D.D. Wanasinghe stated that the price of the locally produced eggs would go down by next week not because of the imports but the increase of production and decrease of demand.

He charged that the government measures to import eggs would affect the local poultry industry. He further accused that the Ministry of Veterinary Resources had not focussed attention to save the industry.


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