Monday, October 12, 2009

(October 12, 2009) Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Agency together with CIC Agri Businesses has developed an informative website exclusively for the benefit of Rural Farmers in Sri Lanka.

Access to the website for farmers have been arranged through fifty   Nenasala Centers that have been set up islandwide. Recently CIC Agri Businesses conducted a residential training programme for 70 Nenasala Officers in order to get them familiarized on the website and the technicalities. The website could be accessed through information on the web and will be available in both Sinhala and Tamil.

The website will contain most of the farmers’ requirement  in relation to Crops, management practices, pests and diseases, latest technologies adapted and a host of other information relating to crops that are cultivated in Sri Lanka. All contents of the website was developed with the help of the former Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Prof Buddhi Marambe and his Academic staff.


Agri Business Knowledge said...

Great Article. please continue sharing.
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