Monday, June 22, 2009


MONLAR is handing over the petition of the Campaign for People’s Solutions to Food Crisis signed by 50,000 people and people's organizations on November 03, 10 AM at Nagarodaya Hall, Colombo.

Asia wide Peasants Caravan for Land and Livelihood will commence on 20th of July in Sri Lanka. Launching ceremony which will be hosted by MONLAR and Vikalpani will be held in Peasant Information Center Kurunegala at 10.00 am.
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Seminar on the dangers faced by the ‘Rice Culture of Asia’
19th of July, 2009 at the Mehaweli Center Auditorium from 10.00 am – 02.30 pm
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Workshop on Organizing Online Campaign for a Purpose - June 24, 2009, 10 AM
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