Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sri Lanka to build a coal power plant on land grabbed from Tamil civilians of Sampur

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Sri Lanka government is going ahead with the plan to set up a coal power plant in Sampur in Trincomalee district. The Minister of Power and Energy W. D. J. Senevirathna said in the parliament on June 23, 2009 that a Memorandum of Understanding will be signed with India in this regard.

The 500 MW power plant, which is estimated to cost US$500 million, is expected to be running by 2012.

The location chosen to set up the plant is a fertile land inhabited by the traditional Tamil villagers for many centuries. They were displaced in the military operations against the Tamil Tiger rebels.

The government subsequently declared Sampur and surrounding areas as a High Security Zone (HSZ) and offered to relocate the displaced. website said last year that most Sampur residents had fled the area in a panic, leaving behind documents including proof of ownership of lands. “The authorities are now pretending that these families had been planted there by the LTTE,” said one source of the website, requesting anonymity. “Their houses have been flattened. But they had lived there for generations. The village is in Dutch records and Rajasinghe II, who built a replacement for Koneswaram Temple in Thampalakamam, assigned Sampur to perform certain services at the temple.”

Read the article for more details.

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