Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A fair trade and exhibition in Sri Lanka

(December 09, 2009) Savisthri  (Women for development alternatives) Movement, a national Sri Lankan women's organization for development alternatives has  organized a fair trade and exhibition to be held on 11th December from 9 am to 8 pm for promoting alternative community creations and productions. 

Aims and  Goals of the fair trade is as follows:

·         developing fair trade
·         buildup confidence on fair trade
·         initiate dialogue for fair trade
·         encourage the people alternative products
·         spreading ideology among the people
Following items are displayed and sold in this exhibition. 
·         handloom sarees
·         bedspreads
·         handbags
·         shoes
·         clothes and ornaments
·         indigenous foods
·         indigenous medicines
·         alternative energy(bio-gas)
·         clay pots
·         handy crafts


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