Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sri Lanka to Bid for Exclusive Rights on ‘Ceylon Tea’

By Phillip Hogan
December 30th, 2009

Posted in Intl Tea Trade, Tea in the News

Sri Lanka looks set to secure a claim, under the current World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), for Geographical Indicators (GI) to protect the prestigious wording: ‘Ceylon Tea’.

The country already has existing rights, under intellectual property rights laws, that protects the phrase ‘Pure Ceylon Tea’ and the iconic lion logo from unauthorised use. The existing law currently covers 60 countries but has to be registered in each country before copyright is assured.

The appeal of the GI system, if Sri Lanka’s bid is successful, is that any product registered under GI status immediately benefits from copyright protection in all of the WTO’S 150 member countries.

The benefits are self-evident, demonstrated by products such as Melton Mowbray Pork Pies and wines from the Champagne region of France.

Seven key production regions are included in Sri Lanka’s bid for GI status; Nuwara Eliya, Dimbula, Uva, Udapusellawa, Kandy, Ruhuna and Sabaragamuwa.

With production costs at an all time high, Sri Lanka’s bid is aimed at combating the current trend of price-cutting.

Price competition is severely damaging the countries tea industry which cannot compete with the other dominant tea producers in the global trade.

Sri Lanka produces very high quality tea and this comes at a cost. The cost of production of tea in Sri Lanka is roughly US$ 1.75 per kilogram, compared with India’s US$ 1.25 per kilogram, Kenya’s US$ 1.00 per kilogram and Vietnam’s much lower cost of US$ 0.75 per kilogram.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Humanity's Right To Life

Fidel Castro -

Climate change is already causing enormous damage and hundreds of millions of poor people are enduring the consequences.

The most advanced research centers have claimed that there is little time to avoid an irreversible catastrophe. James Hansen, from the NASA Goddard Institute, has said that a proportion of 350 parts of carbon dioxide by million is still tolerable; however, the figure today is 390 and growing at a pace of 2 parts by million every year exceeding the levels of 600 thousand years ago. Each one of the past two decades has been the warmest since the first records were taken while carbon dioxide increased 80 parts by million in the past 150 years.

The meltdown of ice in the Artic Sea and of the huge two-kilometer thick icecap covering Greenland; of the South American glaciers feeding its main fresh water sources and the enormous volume covering the Antarctic; of the remaining icecap on the Kilimanjaro, the ice on the Himalayan and the large frozen area of Siberia are visible. Outstanding scientists fear abrupt quantitative changes in these natural phenomena that bring about the change.

Humanity entertained high hopes in the Copenhagen Summit after the Kyoto Protocol signed in 1997 entered into force in 2005. The resounding failure of the Summit gave rise to shameful episodes that call for due clarification.

The United States, with less than 5% of the world population releases 25% of the carbon dioxide. The new US President had promised to cooperate with the international effort to tackle a new problem that afflicts that country as much as the rest of the world. In the meetings leading to the Summit, it became clear that the leaders of that nation and of the wealthiest countries were maneuvering to place the burden of sacrifices on the emergent and poor countries.

A great number of leaders and thousands of representatives of social movements and scientific institutions, determined to fight for the preservation of humanity from the greatest risk in history, converged in Copenhagen on the invitation of the organizers of the Summit. I'd rather avoid reference to details of the brutality of the Danish police force against thousands of protesters and invitees from social and scientific movements who traveled to the Danish capital. I'll focus on the political features of the Summit.

Actually, chaos prevailed in Copenhagen where incredible things happened. The social movements and scientific institutions were not allowed to attend the debates. There were heads of State and Government who could not even express their views on crucial issues. Obama and the leaders of the wealthiest nations took over the conference, with the complicity of the Danish government. The United Nations agencies were pushed to the background.

Barack Obama, the last to arrive on the day of the Summit for a 12-hours stay, met with two groups of invitees carefully chosen by him and his staff, and in the company of one of them met at the plenary hall with the rest of the high-level delegations. He made his remarks and left right away trough the back door. Except for the small group chosen by him, the other representatives of countries were prevented from taking the floor during that plenary session. The presidents of Bolivia and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela were allowed to speak because the Chairman of the Summit had no choice but to give them the floor in light of the strong pressures of those present.

In an adjacent room, Obama brought together the leaders of the wealthiest nations, some of the most important emerging States and two very poor countries. He then introduced a document, negotiated with two or three of the most important countries, ignored the UN General Assembly, gave a press conference and left like Julius Caesar after one of his victorious wars in Asia Minor that led him to say: "I came, I saw, I conquered."

Even Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, had said on October 19: "If we do not reach a deal over the next few months, let us be in no doubt, since once the damage from unchecked emissions growth is done, no retrospective global agreement in some future period can undo that choice. By then it will be irretrievably too late..."

Brown concluded his speech with these dramatic words: "We cannot afford to fail. If we fail now we will pay a heavy price. If we act now, if we act together, if we act with vision and resolve, success at Copenhagen is still within our reach, but, if we falter, the Earth will itself be at risk and, for the planet, there is no Plan B."

But later he arrogantly said that the United Nations could not be taken hostage by a group of countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Tuvalu. At the same time, he accused China, India, Brazil, South Africa and other emerging countries of being lured by the United States into signing a document that throws the Kyoto Protocol in the wastebasket without a binding agreement involving the United States and its wealthy allies.

I find it necessary to recall that the United Nations Organization was born hardly six decades ago, after the last World War, when there were no more than fifty independent countries. Today, after the hateful colonial system ceased to exist thanks to the resolute struggle of the peoples, it has a membership of over 190 independent nations. For many years, even the People's Republic of China was denied admission to the UN while a puppet regime was its representative in that institution and in the privileged Security Council.

The tenacious support of the growing number of Third World nations would prove indispensable to China's international recognition and become an extremely significant element for the acceptance of that country's rights at the UN by the United States and its NATO allies.

It was the Soviet Union that made the greatest contribution to the heroic fight against fascism. More than 25 million of its people perished while the country was terribly devastated. It was from that struggle that it emerged as a superpower with the capacity to partly balance the absolute domination of the US imperial system and the former colonial powers to plunder the Third World countries unrestrictedly. Following the demise of the USSR, the United States extended its political and military power to the East, --up to Russia's heart-- and enhanced its influence on the rest of Europe. Therefore, what happened in Copenhagen came as no surprise.

I want to insist on how unfair and outrageous were the remarks of the Prime Minister of the UK and the Yankee attempt to impose as the Summit Accord a document that was at no time discussed with the attending countries.

During his press conference of December 21, Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez made a statement that cannot be disproved. I will quote from some of its paragraphs: "I would like to emphasize that no agreement of the Conference of the Parties was reached in Copenhagen, that no decision was made as to binding or nonbinding commitments or pertaining to International Law; that simply did not happen. There was no agreement in Copenhagen."

"The Summit was a failure and a deception for the world [...] the lack of political will was left in the open..."

" was a step backward in the actions of the international community to prevent or mitigate the effects of climate change..."

"...the average world temperature could rise by 5 degrees..."

Right then our Foreign Minister adds other interesting data on the likely consequences of climate change according to the latest scientific research.

"...from the Kyoto Protocol until today the developed countries' emissions rose by 12.8%... and 55% of that volume corresponds to the United States."

"The average annual oil consumption is 25 barrels for an American, 11 barrels for a European, less than 2 barrels for a Chinese and less than 1 barrel for a Latin American or Caribbean citizen."

"Thirty countries, including those of the European Union, are consuming 80% of the fuel produced."

The fact is that the developed countries signatories of the Kyoto Protocol increased their emissions dramatically. Now, they want to replace the adopted bases of the emissions from 1990 with those of 2005. This means that the United States, which is the main source of emissions, would be reducing its emissions of 25 years ago in only 3%. It is a shameful mockery of the world public opinion.

The Cuban foreign minister, speaking on behalf of a group of ALBA member countries, defended China, India, Brazil, South Africa and other important emerging-economies states. He stressed the concept adopted in Kyoto that "common but differentiated responsibilities mean that the responsibility of the historical accumulators and the developed countries, who are the culprits of this catastrophe, differs from that of the small island states and the South countries, above all the least developed..."

"Responsibility means financing; responsibility means technology transfer on adequate terms. But, at this point, Obama resorts to a game of words and instead of talking of common but differentiated responsibilities, he speaks of ‘common but differentiated responses.'"

"...he then leaves the plenary hall without taking the trouble of listening to anybody; he had neither listened to anybody before taking the floor."

In a subsequent press conference, before departing from the Danish capital, Obama had said: "There has been a meaningful and unprecedented breakthrough here in Copenhagen. For the first time in history, the largest economies have come to jointly accept responsibilities."

In his clear and irrefutable presentation, our Foreign Minister said: "What does it mean that ‘the largest economies have come to jointly accept responsibilities'? It means that they are placing a large part of the burden of financing the relief and adaptation of countries, mostly the South countries, to climate change on China, Brazil, India and South Africa. Because it must be said that in Copenhagen we witnessed an assault, a holdup against China, Brazil, India and South Africa, and against every other euphemistically called developing country."

These were the resounding and undeniable words used by our Foreign Minister to describe what happened in Copenhagen.

I must add that, when at 10:00 a.m. on December 19 our Vicepresident Esteban Lazo and the Cuban Foreign Minister had already left, a belated attempt was made to resurrect the Copenhagen cadaver as a Summit Accord. At that moment, practically every head of State had left and there was hardly any minister around. Again, the denunciation by the remaining members of the delegations from Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and other countries could defeat the maneuver. That was the end of the inglorious Summit.

Another fact that should not be overlooked is that at the most critical moment of that day, in the wee small hours, the Cuban Foreign Minister, together with the delegations waging the honorable battle, offered UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon their cooperation in the ever harder struggle being fought as well as in future efforts necessary to preserve the life of our species.

The environmental group Wild World Fund has warned that if emissions are not drastically reduced climate change will go unchecked in the next 5 to 10 years.

But there is no need to prove the substance of what is said here that Obama did.

The US President stated on Wednesday, December 23, that people are justified in being disappointed about the outcome of the Summit on Climate Change. In an interview with the CBS television network, the President said that "instead of a total collapse if nothing had been done, which would have been a huge step backward; at least we could remain more or less where we were..."

According to the press dispatch, Obama is the target of most criticism from the countries that nearly unanimously feel that the result of the Summit was disastrous.

Now, the UN is in a quandary since many countries would find it humiliating to ask others to adhere to the arrogant and antidemocratic accord.  

To carry on with the battle and to claim in every meeting, particularly in those of Bonn and Mexico, humanity's right to life, with the morale and the strength that truth provides, is in my opinion the only way to proceed.

Fidel Castro Ruz
December 26, 2009
8:15 p.m.

Friday, December 25, 2009

බිත්තර සහ කුකුළු මස්‌ ආනයනයට පියවර

ලසිත දුමින්ද, දිවයින 2009 දෙසැම්බර් 25

බිත්තර සහ කුකුල්මස්‌ වහාම ආනයනය කිරීමට රජය තීරණය කර ඇත.

වෙළෙඳපොළේ බිත්තර සහ කුකුල්මස්‌ මිල පාලනය කිරීම සඳහා මෙලෙස බිත්තර හා කුකුල්මස්‌ ආනයනය කරන බව පශු සම්පත් සංවර්ධන ඇමැති සී. බී. රත්නායක මහතා "දිවයින"ට පැවසීය

තව මාස තුනකින් සහල් රු.පනහෙන් පහළට යනවා -වීමෝල් හිමියන්ගේ සංගමයේ සභාපති

ජගත් කණහැරආරච්චි, දිවයින 2009 දෙසැම්බර් 25

වර්තමානයේ සහල් හිඟයක්‌ ගැන කතා කළත් තවත් මාස තුනකින් සම්බා ඇතුළු සියලු සහල් මිල රුපියල් පනහෙන් පහළට යැම වැළැක්‌විය නොහැකි බව සමස්‌ත ලංකා වී මෝල් හිමියන්ගේ සංගමයේ සභාපති ඩඩ්ලි සිරිසේන මහතා "දිවයින"ට පැවසීය.

එවිට අපට කතා කරන්නට සිදුවන්නේ වී විකුණාගත නොහැකි ගොවියා ගැන බව ද හෙතෙම වැඩිදුරටත් පැවසීය.

තම සංගමය වෙනුවෙන් පසුගියදා තමා අම්පාර, මඩකලපුව, අනුරාධපුරය, පොළොන්නරුව, ගාල්ල, මාතර, හම්බන්තොට ප්‍රදේශවල සංචාරය කළ බවත් එයින් පැහැදිලි වූයේ වගාකර ඇති ගොයම් එකම මට්‌ටමක පවතින බව හා සිංහල අවුරුදු සමය වන විට සියලු අස්‌වනු මෙවර එකවර වෙළෙඳපලට නිකුත් වන බව යෑයි ද ඒ මහතා පැවසීය.

උතුර - නැගෙනහිර මුදාගත් ප්‍රදේශ ද සැලකූ විට ලැබෙන අස්‌වනු ප්‍රමාණය සලකා වී සහ සහල් මිල විශාල වශයෙන් පහත බැසීමේ ප්‍රවණතාවක්‌ පවතින බැවින් රජය වහාම අස්‌වනු කළමනාකරණයක්‌ කළ යුතු බව ද හෙතෙම පැවසීය.

මෙවර යල කන්නයේ අස්‌වනු පාළුවීම වත්මන් සහල් හිඟයට හේතුව බව ද පැවසූ සභාපතිවරයා සහල් හිඟය පියවීම සඳහා රටින් සහල් ආනයනය කිරීම හැර වෙනත් විකල්පයක්‌ නැති බව ද පැවසීය

Thursday, December 24, 2009

බදු අඩු කෙරේ; සහල් ආනයනයට ඉඩ

(2009 දෙසැම්බර් 24 - W3Lanka) පිටරටින් සුදු සහල් හෝ ගෙන්වා ජනාධිපතිවරණයට බලපා තිබෙන සහල් මිළ අඩු කිරීමට ඊයේ මහනුවර ජනාධිපති මන්දිරයේ පැවති කැබිනට් රැස්වීමේදී ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ වෙළඳ, පාරිභෝගික කටයුතු හා සමුපකාර සංවර්ධන ඇමති බන්දුල ගුණවර්ධනට උපදෙස් දුන්නේ ය.

ඇමති බන්දුල ගුණවර්ධන පවසන්නේ දේශපාලන උවමනාවන් මත සහල් හිඟයක් කෘත්‍රිමව නිර්මානය කර ඇති බවයි. එහෙත්, එම කුමන්ත්‍රණයට ඇමති මෛත්‍රීපාල සිරිසේන මහතාගේ සහෝදරයින් සම්බන්ධ බවට එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂය කරන චෝදනා ඇමතිවරයා ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කරයි.

මේ වන විට පිටරටන් ගෙන්වන සහල් කිලෝවක් සඳහා අය කරන බද්ද රු. 25 සිට රු. 2 දක්වා අඩු කර ඇති බැවින් ඕනෑම කෙනෙකුට පිටරටින් සහල් ගෙන්විය හැකි බව ඇමතිවරයා පවසයි. ඉදිරියේදී පකිස්තානයෙන්, වියට්නාමයෙන් සහල් තොග ලැබෙන බැවින් මිළ පහත වැටෙනු ඇති බව ඇමතිවරයා පවසයි.

රජරට වැව් වාං දමයි

(2009 දෙසැම්බර් 24) උතුරුමැද පළාතේ පරාක්‍රම සමුද්‍රය හා රාජාංගන වැව ඇතුළු වැව් 15ක් වාං දමමින් ඇති බව වාරිමාර්ග දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව පවසයි.

වවුනියාව සහ පුත්තලම් දිස්ත්‍රික්කවල වැව් හැර දිවයින පුරා බොහෝ වැව්වල ජල මට්ටම මේ වන විට 50% ඉක්මවා ඇති බැවින් මහ කන්නයේදී බාධාවකින් තොරව කුඹුරුවලට ජලය සැපයීමේ හැකියාව ඇති බව වාරිමාර්ග දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව පවසයි.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

ලෝකයේ පරිභෝජන රටාවන්ගේ ගැටලූව හා කෝපන්හේගන් සමුළුව

අජිත් පැරකුම් ජයසිංහ (සංදේශය සඟරාවේ ලිපියකි)

අන්තර් රාජ්‍ය කාලගුණ වෙනස සඳහා වූ මණ්ඩපයේ පාරිසරික විද්‍යාඥයන් 26දෙනෙකු විසින් නිකුත් කරන ලද නවතම වාර්තාවක සඳහන් වන පරිදි 2007 දී නිගමනයකර තිබූ ප‍්‍රමාණයට වඩා දෙගුණයක වේගයකින් මිහිතලය උණුසුම් වන අතර වසර 2100 වන විට උෂ්ණත්වය සෙල්සියස් අංශක 7කිනුත්, මුහුදු මට්ටම මීටරයකට වඩා වැඩි ප‍්‍රමාණයකිනුත් ඉහළ යනු ඇත.

ග‍්‍රීන්ලන්තයේ සහ ඇන්ටාක්ටිකාවේ අයිස් කඳු කලින් සිතුවාට වඩා වේගයෙන් දිය වෙමින් ඇති අතර මුහුදු මට්ටම 1995 සිට වසරකටමිලිමීටර 3.4කින් ඉහළ යමින් ඇති බව වාර්තාව පෙන්වා දෙයි.

මෙම වාර්තාව සැකසීමට දායක වූ විද්‍යාඥයන්ගෙන් අඩක් පමණ 2007දී නිකුත් කරන ලද වාර්තාව සකස් කිරීමට ද දායක වූහ. මිහිතලය උණුසුම් වීමේ ප‍්‍රතිඵලයක් ලෙස ජල හිඟය ව්‍යාප්ත වීමට හා නියං සහ ගංවතුර වඩාත් ළඟ ළඟ ඇති වීමට ඉඩ ඇති බව මෙම වාර්තාව විසින් පෙන්වා දෙන ලදී. අලූත් ම වාර්තාව නිකුත් කර ඇත්තේ තවත් තුන් වසරක නිරීක්ෂණ පාදක කරගෙනයි. ග‍්‍රීන්ලන්තයේ හා ඇන්ටාක්ටිකාවේ අයිස් කඳු දිය වීමෙන් ඇති වන ප‍්‍රතිඵල පිළිබඳ 2007 වාර්තාවේ නො තිබුණ දත්ත ද නව වාර්තාවට එකතු කර තිබේ.
අන්තර් රාජ්‍ය කාලගුණ වෙනස සඳහා වූ මණ්ඩපය විසින් 2007දී නිකුත් කරනු ලැබූ මෙම වාර්තාවෙන් කියැවුණේ මිහිතලය උණුසුම් වීම ෆොසිල ඉන්ධන දැවීම වැනි මානව ක‍්‍රියාකාරිත්වයන්ගේ ප‍්‍රතිඵල බවයි.

කාර්මීකරණය වේගවත් වූ 19වන සියවසේ සිට පෘථිවිය සෙල්සියස් අංශක 1.37කින් උණුසුම් වී ඇති බව පෙන්වා දුන් එම වාර්තාව මෙම සියවසේදී එය තවත් සෙල්සියස් අංශක 1.1කින් ඉහළ ගොස් සමස්තයක් ලෙස අංශක 6.4ක් දක්වා වැඩි වනු ඇති බව පෙන්වා දෙන ලදී. අලූත් දත්ත පදනම් කරගෙන වෙනස් කර ඇත්තේ මෙම අනාවැකියයි.

කුණාටුවල ශක්තිය හා ඒවා ඇති වීමේ නිරන්තරභාවය කෙරෙහි මිහිතලය උණුසුම් වීමේ දායකත්වය පිළිබඳ පැනය තවමත් නො විසඳී ඉතිරි වී තිබේ.

මිහිතලය උණුසුම් වීම පිළිබඳ විද්‍යාඥයන්ගේ අදහස් සහ ඒවා පිළිබඳ සැක කරන දක්ෂිණාංශික අසුබවාදීන් අතර මෙම උෂ්ණත්වය ඉහළ යාම සඳහා මිනිසුන්ගේ දායකත්වය පිළිබඳව දීර්ඝ කාලයක පටන් විවාදයක් ඇත. විද්‍යාඥයන්ගේ අනාවැකිය වැරදි බව හා මිනිස් පරිභෝජන රටා වෙනස් කිරීමේ අවශ්‍යතාවක් නොමැති බව ඔවුන්ගේ ආස්ථානයයි. මෙම වාර්තාව පිළිබඳව ඔවුන් කියන්නේ මෙය රටවල් 190කට වැඩි ගණනක සහභාගිත්වයෙන් දෙසැම්බර් 7දා සිට 18දා දක්වා කෝපන්හේගන්හිදී පැවැත්වීමට නියමිත ජගත් පාරිසරික සමුළුව ඉලක්ක කරගෙන සකසන ලද බිය ඇති කිරීම අරමුණ කර ගත් වාර්තාවක් බවයි. කෝපන්හේගන් සමුළුවේදී හරිතාගාර වායු විමෝචනය අඩු කිරීමට අදාළ ගිවිසුමක් සඳහා එකඟතාව ඇති කර ගැනීමට බලාපොරොත්තු වේ.

මේ අතර, වෙනම නිකුත් කරන ලද එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ වාර්තාවක සඳහන් වන පරිදි පසුගිය වසරක කාලය තුළ වායුගෝලයේ කාබන් ඩයොක්සයිඞ්, මීතේන් සහ නයිට‍්‍රස් ඔක්සයිඞ් සාන්ද‍්‍රනය වාර්තාගත අන්දමින් වැඩි වි තිබේ. ෆොසිල ඉන්ධන දැවීමේ හා වන විනාශයේ ප‍්‍රතිඵලයක් ලෙස වායුගෝලයට කාබන් ඩයොක්සයිඞ් මුදා හැරෙන අතර වායු අණු මිලියනයක කාබන් ඩයොක්සයිඞ් අණු එකක් බැගින් තිබේ. මෙය ගිය වසරට වඩා වායු අංශු මිලියනයට අංශු දෙකක් වැඩි වීමකි. දැන් වායු අංශු මිලියනයක ඇති කාබන් ඩයොක්සයිඞ් අංශු සංඛ්‍යාව 385.2ක් දක්වා වැඩි වී තිබේ.  

විශිෂ්ඨ තාප ධාරිතාව ඉහළ කාබන් ඩයොක්සයිඞ්, මීතේන් සහ නයිට‍්‍රස් ඔක්සයිඞ් වැනි වායු වායුගෝලයට එක් වූ විට සිදු වන්නේ එම වායු විසින් වැඩියෙන් තාපය දරා ගැනීමේ ප‍්‍රතිඵලයක් ලෙස පෘථිවියේ මතුපිට ස්ථරයේ හා මුහුදේ උෂ්ණත්වය ඉහළ යාමයි. ෆොසිල ඉන්ධන දහනය හා වන විනාශය වේගවත් වූ කර්මාන්තකරණයට පෙර යුගයේ පවා සුළු වශයෙන් මිහිතලය උණුසුම් වී තිබේ. එයට හේතුව සූර්ය විකිරණ හා ගිනිකඳු පිපිරීම් ආදියයි.

වර්තමාන ලෝකයේ වායුගෝලයට වැඩියෙන් ම හරිතාරගාර වායු විමෝචනය කරන රට බවට පත් වී තිබෙන්නේ චීනයයි. එක්සත් ජනපදය,  ඕස්ටේ‍්‍රලියාව වැනි රටවල් ඊළඟට සිටිති.

ධනේශ්වර දක්ෂිණාංශික බලවේග වර්තමාන පාරිභෝජන රටාවන් හා ඒ සමග බැඳුණු කර්මාන්තකරණ රටාව වෙනස් කිරීම කෙරෙහි දැඩි විරෝධයක් පාති. එහෙත්, දේශගුණ විපර්යාසයන් හේතුකොටගෙන සිදු වී ඇති හානිය වෙනුවෙන් පිළියම් යෙදීම එකී බලපෑම් අවමකර ගැනීම, කාබන් වායුව ගබඩා කිරීම වැනි කාර්යයන් සඳහා ඩොලර් ටි‍්‍රලියන ගණනාවක් වැයවනු ඇති බවට ධනේශ්වර ආර්ථික විද්‍යාඥයෝ ම අනුමාන කරති. හරිතාගාර වායු විමෝචනය සීමා කිරීමේ කාලය පමාවත් ම වැයවන වියදම් තව තවත් වැඩිවනු ඇති බව ඔවුහු පෙන්වා දෙති.

ගෝලීය උණුසුම කාර්මීකරණයට පෙර යුගයේ පැවති මට්ටමට වඩා සෙල්සියස් අංශක 2 - 3 කින් වැඩිවුවහොත්, ගෝලීය නිෂ්පාදනය 3%කින් පමණ අඩුවිය හැකි බව බි‍්‍රිතාන්‍ය ආර්ථික විද්‍යාඥ නිකලස් ස්ටර්න් පෙන්වා දී ඇත. උෂ්ණත්වය සෙල්සියස් අංශක 5 - 6 කින් වැඩිවුවහොත් දළ ගෝලීය නිෂ්පාදිතය 10%කින් අඩුවිය හැකි බවට අනාවැකි පළ වේ.

හරිතාගාර වායු විමෝචනය අඩුකිරීමට නම්, ගල් අඟුරු, තෙල් සහ ගෑස් වඩාත් කාර්යක්ෂම ලෙස පාවිච්චි කිරීමටත්, පවිත‍්‍ර පුනර්ජනනීය බලශක්ති මුලාශ‍්‍ර කෙරේ විශ්වාසය තබා කටයුතු කිරීමටත් සිදුවේ.

වඩාත් ම කාර්මීකරණය වූ රටවල් අටේ කණ්ඩායම හා යුරෝපා හවුලට අයත් රටවල් ගෝලීය උණුසුම වැඩි වීම කර්මාන්තකරණය ආරම්භයට පෙර තිබුණු උෂ්ණත්ව මට්ටමේ සිට සෙල්සියස් අංශක 2ට අඩුවෙන් පවත්වාගෙන යාමට එකඟත්වය පළකර තිබේ. ඒ සඳහා වායුගෝලය දූෂණය වීම දැනට පවතින මට්ටමට වඩා අඩු කළ යුතුව තිබේ. දැනට පවතින මට්ටමෙන් ගියත් සෙල්සියස් අංශක 2 සීමාව පසු කර යාම සඳහා 25%ක අවස්ථාව ඇති බව අන්තර් රාජ්‍ය කාලගුණ වෙනස සඳහා වූ මණ්ඩපය විසින් නිකුත් කරන ලද වාර්තාව පෙන්වා දෙයි. මේ සඳහා යුරෝපා සංගමය පමණක් ඩොලර් ටි‍්‍රලියන 10.5ක් ආයෝජනය කළ යුතු බව ගණන් බලා ඇත.

වඩාත් කාර්යක්ෂම වාහන පාවිච්චිය සඳහා ඩොලර් ටි‍්‍රලියන 4.7 ක් අයෝජනය කළ යුතු බව ගණනය කර ඇත.. ගොඩනැගිලිවල බලශක්ති පාවිච්චිය කාර්යක්ෂම කිරීමට ඩොලර් බිලියන 2.5ක්ද, අඩු කාබන් බලශක්ති ජනනය සඳහා ඩොලර් ටි‍්‍රලියන 1.7 ක් වනු ඇතැයි ද අවශ්‍ය වනු ඇත.

මීට අමතරව පරිසර පද්ධති සංරක්ෂණය, බලශක්තිය, සංචාරක, නිෂ්පාදන, පතල් කැනීම් ආදී කටයුතු වඩාත් ආරක්ෂිත ලෙස කිරීම සඳහා තවත් ඩොලර් ටි‍්‍රලියන ගණනාවක් වැය කිරීමට සිදුවනු ඇත.
මෙසේ වැය කරන ඩොලර් ටි‍්‍රලියන ගණනාවක ආයෝජනය ආර්ථික වර්ධනයටත්, නව රැකියා අවස්ථා බිහිකිරීමටත් හේතු වනු ඇති බව ඇතැම් ආර්ථික විශ්ලේෂකයෝ පවසති.

ගෝලීය උණුසුම වැඩිවීම හේතුවෙන් දරුණු නියඟයන්, ශුෂ්කතාව, ගංවතුර සහ උග‍්‍ර ආහාර හිඟයන් ආදී ව්‍යසන අත්විඳින මධ්‍යම අමෙරිකානු රටවල් කාර්මික රටවලින් ඩොලර් බිලියන 105 ක වන්දියක් ඉල්ලා සිටිය යුතු බව ‘පාරිසරික ණය‘ සම්බන්ධයෙන් සාකච්ඡුා කිරීමට මෑතදී ගෝතමාලාවේදී රැුස් වූ මධ්‍යම අමෙරිකානු රටවල පාරිසරික අමාත්‍යවරු සාකච්ඡා කළහ.

වන්දි ඉල්ලීමට අදාළ විධිමත් ප‍්‍රකාශනයක් ලබන දෙසැම්බරයේ කෝපන්හේගන්හිදී පැවැත්වෙන ජගත් පාරිසරික සමුළුවට ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමට නියමිතය. මෙහිදී හරිතාගාර වායු විමෝචනය අවම කිරීමට අදාළ තිරසාර තීරණයන්ට එළඹීමට බටහිර රටවලට බලකරන බව නිකරගුවා පාරිසරික අමාත්‍යවරයා සමුළුවේදී අවධාරණය කළේය.

එහෙත් දියුණු ධනේශ්වර රටවල් තමන් විසින් අතීතයේ කරනු ලැබූ හා දැනටත් කරමින් ක‍්‍රියා නිසා පීඩාවට පත්ව සිටින දිළිඳු රටවල් කෙරෙහි අවධානයක් නො දක්වන බව පැහැදිලි ය. මේ බව නැවත ඔප්පු කරන සිදුවීමක් වන්නේ පසුගියදා පැවති එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ සාගිනි නිවීමේ මහ සමුළුවයි. ලොව ධනවත් රටවල නායකයන් මෙයට සහභාගි නොවීම නිසා එය හුදෙක්ම ‘තාක්ෂණික සංසදයක්‘ බවට පත්වූ බව, ජගත් ආහාර නියෝජිතායතනයේ ප‍්‍රධානියා සමුළුවෙන් පසු පැවසීය. රෝමයේ පැවති මෙම තුන්දින සමුළුවට රාජ්‍ය නායකයන් 60 දෙනෙක් පමණ සහභාගි වුවත්, දියුණු ධනේශ්වර රටවල් අටේ කණ්ඩායමෙන් සහභාගි වූයේ සමුළුව පැවති රට වන ඉතාලියේ අගමැතිවරයා පමණි.

ලොව බිලියන සංඛ්‍යාත දුගී දුප්පතුන් මුහුණදෙන ගැටලූව ආර්ථික, සමාජීය, මූල්‍ය මෙන්ම සංස්කෘතික සංසිද්ධීන්ගේ සංකලනයක් බව ජගත් ආහාර සහ කෘෂිකාර්මික සංවිධානයේ අදහසයි. සමුළුවේ මූල්‍ය ප‍්‍රකාශනයේ කෘෂිකාර්මික කටයුතු සඳහා අරමුදල් උපයා ගැනීමට අදාළ ප‍්‍රතිඥා හෝ නිශ්චිත ඉලක්ක සහ කාල පරාස ඇතුළත් නොවීම නිසා එය සමුළු සාමාජිකයන්ගේ දැඩි විවේචනයට ලක්විය.

ලක්ෂ සංඛ්‍යාත ජනයාගේ සාගිනි නිවීමට නම් කෘෂිකර්මය සංවර්ධනය කිරීමට වාර්ෂිකව ඩොලර් බිලියන 44 ක් පමණ අවශ්‍ය වනු ඇති බව ගණන් බලා තිබේ. මෙය අවි ආයුධ මිලදී ගැනීම සඳහා ලෝකය වාර්ෂිකව වියදම් කරන මුදල වන ඩොලර් ටි‍්‍රලියන 1.34න් සොච්චමක් පමණකි.

හරිතාගාර වායු විමෝචනය සම්බන්ධයෙන් ද දියුණු රටවල් දක්වන්නේ මෙවැනි මඇල්මැරුණු ආකල්පයකි. දෙසැම්බරයේදී කෝපන්හේගන්හිදී පැවැත්වෙන ජගත් පාරිසරික සමුළුවේදී ද හරිතාගාර වායු විමෝචනය අවම කිරීමට අදාළ නීත්‍යානුකූල බැඳීමකින් යුත් ගිවිසුමක් ඇතිකර ගැනීමට ඉඩකඩ නැති බව එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ සංවිධානයේ මහ ලේකම් බෑන් කී මූන් පැවසීය. එවැනි ගිවිසුමකට එළඹීම 2010 වසර දක්වා කල් දමා තිබේ. 2010 මැද භාගයේ බොන්හිදී හෝ දෙසැම්බරයේ මෙක්සිකෝහිදී මේ පිළිබඳ සම්මුතියක් ඇති කරගත හැකිවනු ඇතැයි අපේක්ෂිතය. කෝපන්හේගන් සමුළුවේදී දේශපාලන ගිවිසුමකට පමණක් එළඹීමට ජනාධිපති ඔබාමා සහ ආසියා - පැසිෆික් කලාපයේ ඇතැම් රටවල් එකඟවී තිබේ. කාබන් සීමා කිරීමේ නීති අමෙරිකන් සෙනට් සභාව විසින් මෙතෙක් අනුමත කර නැත.

කෝපන්හේගන්හීදී පැවැත්වීමට නියමිත ජගත් පරිසර සමුළුවට මත්තෙන්, ප‍්‍රධාන පෙළේ රටවල් 42 ක පාරිසරික ඇමැතිවරු නොවැම්බර් මුල දෙදින රැස්වීමක් පැවැත්වූහ.

ප‍්‍රධාන පෙළේ හරිතාගාර විමෝචනය කරන රටවල් කාබන් විමෝචනය අඩු කර ගන්නා ප‍්‍රතිශතයන් නිර්නය කිරීම සහ දුප්පත් රටවලට දේශගුණික විපර්යාසයන්ට හේතු නො වන තාක්ෂණ ශිල්ප ක‍්‍රමවලට අනුවර්තනය වීම සඳහා, ආධාර ලබාදීම පිළිබඳව තීරණයකට එලඹිය යුතුව ඇති බව සෙසු රටවල් විසින් ඉල්ලා සිටිනු ලැබේ. දේශගුණික විපර්යාසයන්ට අනුවර්තනය වීමේ තාක්ෂණයන් උපයෝගී කර ගැනීමට දුගී රටවල් වෙනුවෙන් වසරකට ඩොලර් බිලියන 400ක් පමණ වැය කළ යුතුව ඇතැයි ගණන් බලා තිබේ. කෙසේ වෙතත්, මෙම අවශ්‍යතාව පිරිමැසීම සඳහා කිසිදු පොහොසත් රටක් මෙතෙක් ඉදිරිපත් වී නැත.
නැගී එන කාර්මික රටක් වන බ‍්‍රසීලය සිය උවමනාවෙන්ම වායු විමෝචනය 2020 වන විට 36 - 39%අතර ප‍්‍රමාණයකින් අඩු කිරීමට ඉදිරිපත් වන බව නොබෝදා ප‍්‍රකාශයට පත් කළේය.

බංග්ලාදේශ් අගමැති ෂීක් හසීනා බිිතාන්‍ය අගමැති ගෝඩන් බ‍්‍රවුන්,  ඕස්ටේ‍්‍රලියානු අගමැති කෙවින් රඞ් සහ ජගත් මහ ලේකම් බැන් කී මුන් ද ඇතුළුව රටවල් හයක නායකයන් ගේ සහභාගීත්වයෙන් ඉකුත් අඟහරුවාදා පැවති වීඩියෝ සාකච්ඡුාවකදී වැදගත් ප‍්‍රකාශයක් කළාය. සංවර්ධිත සහ සංවර්ධනය වන රටවල් වායු විමෝචනය හා අදාළ වැදගත් කරුණු සම්බන්ධයෙන් එකඟතාවකට පැමිණීමට අපොහොසත් වීම නිසා, දුප්පත් රටවල දැවෙන ප‍්‍රශ්න කෙරේ අවධානය යොමු නොවනු ඇති බවට ඇය චෝදනා කළාය. ගෝලීය ආර්ථික අවපාතයෙන් බැට කෑ රටවල් ගොඩගැනීමට උදව් උපකාර කළ ආකාරයටම, දේශගුණික විපර්යාස වලින් බැට කන රටවල් මුදා ගැනීමට ද පොහොසත් රටවල් ඉදිරිපත් විය යුතු බව ඇය අවධාරණය කළාය. බංග්ලාදේශය, මාලදිවයින, භූතානය, නේපාලය වැනි රටවල් දේශගුණ අර්බූදයෙන් මුදවා ගැනීමට, කෙතරම් මුදලක් ලබාදෙන්නේ ද යන්න පිළිබඳව පොහොසත් රටවල් නිශ්චිත නිගමනයකට එළැඹිය යුතු බව ඇය අවධාරණය කර තිබේ.

මුහුදු මට්ටම ඉහළයාම නිසා මෙවැනි රටවල වෙසෙන මිලියන 20 ක පමණ ජනතාවක්, 2050 වන විට අවතැන්වනු ඇති බව විද්‍යාඥයෝ අනාවැකි පළ කරති.

දෙසැම්බරයේදී කෝපන්හේගන් හි පැවැත්වීමට නියමිත ජගත් පරිසර සමුළුවේදී, හරිතාගාර වායු විමෝචනය සීමාකිරීම පිළිබඳ ගිවිසුමකට ලෝක ප‍්‍රජාව එකඟ නොවුවහොත් ‘ගෝලීය සියදිවි නසාගැනීමේ ගිවිසුමකට‘ අත්සන් තැබීමට සිදුවනු ඇති බව මෙම ප‍්‍රශ්නය සම්බන්ධයෙන් උද්වේගාත්මක උද්ඝෝෂණයක නියැලී සිටින මාලදිවයින් ජනාධිපතිවරයා ගෝලීය උණුසුම්වීමේ බලපෑමට වඩා ප‍්‍රබල ලෙස ගොදුරුවන රටවල් 11ක නියෝජිතයන් සහභාගිවූ මේ දෙදින සමුළුවක් අමතමින් පසුගියදා අනතුරු ඇඟවූයේය.

2020 දී මාලදිවයින් ¥පත් සමූහය කාබන් ශුන්‍ය රටක් කිරීමේ අරමුණ පෙරදැරි කරගෙන ඩොලර් මිලියන 200ක් වැයකර සුළං බලශක්ති පිහිටුවීමට එරට රජය කටයුතු කර ඇත. දැනටත් වායුගෝලීය දූෂණයට අවම දායකත්වයක් සපයන රටක් වන මාලදිවයින ලෝකයේ රටවල් අතරින් දේශගුණික විපර්යාස හේතුවෙන් වැඩි ම අවදානමට මුහුණ දී සිටින රටක් වේ. වසර 2100 වන විට මාලදිවයින් දූපත් පෙළ මනුෂ්‍ය වාසයට සුදුසු නොවනු ඇති බවට අනතුරු අඟවා තිබේ.

වසර 2012දී දැනට ක‍්‍රියාත්මක කියෝටෝ ප‍්‍රඥප්තිය අහෝසි වන බැවින් 2012 න් ඔබ්බට ගෝලීය උණුසුම අඩුකර ගැනීමට පොසිල ඉන්ධන විමෝචනය අඩු කර ගැනීම පිළිබඳව සම්මුතියකට එළඹීමට අවශ්‍ය ය. මේ පිළිබඳ සම්මුතියට එළඹීමට නම්, දියුණු ධනේශ්වර රටවල් සංවර්ධනය වෙමින් ඇති රටවල් අතර නිරාකරණය කරගත යුතු ගැටලූ රාශියක් තවමත් ඉතිරිව තිබේ.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

ධනවත් රටවල සහාය නොමැතිකමින් ගෝලීය වෙළෙඳ ගිවිසුමට බාධා

(2009 දෙසැම්බර් 10) ධනවත් රටවල් ඔවුන්ගේ රටවල ගොවි සහනාධාර විශාල වශයෙන් කප්පාදු කිරීමට එකඟ නොවනතාක් ගෝලීය වෙළෙඳ ගිවිසුමක් බිහි නොවනු ඇතැයි ඉන්දියාව ප්‍රකාශ කැර තිබේ.

මේ බව ප්‍රකාශ කරන ඉන්දීය වාණිජ කටයුතු ඇමති ආනන්ද්ෂර්මා, යුරෝපා සංගමය එක්සත් ජනපදය හා කැනඩාව යන රටවල් ඔවුන්ගේ ගොවීන්ට සහනාධාර ලබාදීම දෝෂදර්ශනයට ලක්කළේ සංවර්ධනය වන රටවල ගොවීන් සමඟ සමතත්ත්වයකින් කටයුතු කිරීම ඔවුන් පිළිකෙව් කැර ඇතැයි පවසමිනි.

ධනවත් රටවල ක්‍රියාත්මක සහනාධාර ක්‍රමය පවත්නාතුරු එකඟතාවක් ඇති කර ගැන්මට නොහැකිවන හෙයින් ඔවුන් අවම වශයෙන් 70% ක කප්පාදුවක් හෝ සිදුකළ යුතුව ඇතැයි ඔහු පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට පැවසීය.

එක්සත් ජනපදය හා සංවර්ධිත සෙසු රටවල් පවසන්නේ ඔවුන්ගේ රටවල ගොවි සහනාධාර කප්පාදුව සිදුකිරීමට නම් සංවර්ධනය වන රටවල වෙළෙඳපළ සංවර්ධිත රටවල කාර්මික නිෂ්පාදන සඳහා විවෘත කළ යුතු බවය. ලෝක වෙළෙඳ සංවිධාන සාකච්ඡාවල දී සංවර්ධනය වන රටවලට නායකත්වය දෙන ඉන්දියාව ඇතුලු සෙසු රටවල් තම ඉල්ලීමට පූර්ණ සහයෝගය ලබා දෙන බවද ෂර්මා කීවේ ය.

2008 ජූලි මස බිඳ වැටුනු දෝහා සංවර්ධන වටයේ සාකච්ඡා යළි පණගැන්වීමට ඉන්දියාව ප්‍රයත්න දරයි.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A fair trade and exhibition in Sri Lanka

(December 09, 2009) Savisthri  (Women for development alternatives) Movement, a national Sri Lankan women's organization for development alternatives has  organized a fair trade and exhibition to be held on 11th December from 9 am to 8 pm for promoting alternative community creations and productions. 

Aims and  Goals of the fair trade is as follows:

·         developing fair trade
·         buildup confidence on fair trade
·         initiate dialogue for fair trade
·         encourage the people alternative products
·         spreading ideology among the people
Following items are displayed and sold in this exhibition. 
·         handloom sarees
·         bedspreads
·         handbags
·         shoes
·         clothes and ornaments
·         indigenous foods
·         indigenous medicines
·         alternative energy(bio-gas)
·         clay pots
·         handy crafts

Saturday, December 5, 2009

600 bottles of water unfit for human seized from tourist hotel

(December 05, 2009) Six hundred bottles of water, unfit for human consumption, were seized from a coastal tourist hotel at Beruwala in Sri Lanka by Public Heath Inspectors.

The bottles were produced in Court and referred to the Governmenta Analyst for a report.

The raid was conducted by the Chairman of Beruwala local government authority Prasanna Sanjeewa, the Public Health Officer, Chandrasiri Pinidiya and a team of Public Health Officers.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sri Lankan government acquiring lands in Tamil areas

(December 02, CHENNAI, Express News Service) Even before resettling the Tamils in their traditional areas, the Sri Lankan government is in the process of acquiring lands in the northern and eastern regions of the country to attract foreign investors.

Speaking on ‘Trade and investment opportunities in Sri Lanka’, Sri Lankan Deputy High Commissioner Vadivelu Krishnamoorthy said that vast areas of suitable land had been identified for cultivation of food crops and foreign investors with a capacity to introduce high-yielding advanced agricultural techniques are being given priority. He said that with the eradication of terrorism most areas in the north and east of the country have been opened for tourists and invited Indian investors to build tourism-related infrastructure such as theme parks.

Nilaveli in Trincomalle district and Pasikudah, Vakarai and Arugambay in Batticaloa district had been identified as potential areas for investment in tourism.The Sri Lankan government had also put in place single window clearance system for foreign investors and streamlined the process so that the investors would get clearances in a short span of time.

Monday, November 30, 2009

WTO holds first Ministerial meeting in four years

(November 30, 2009) The World Trade Organisation (WTO) begins its first ministerial meeting in four years Monday aimed at reviewing the work of the 153-member group.

While trade negotiations are not on the agenda of the three-day gathering in Geneva, the stalled global trade round is likely to play a major role, following a call by world leaders for an agreement on the issue by the end of 2010.

Instead of considering a trade deal, WTO chief Pascal Lamy sees the meeting as providing “a platform for ministers to review the functioning of this house”.

Security barriers have been erected around the conference venue and police reinforcements have been called in from other parts of Switzerland amid concerns about demonstrators attempting to disrupt the meeting.
An anti-capitalist protest in Geneva Saturday erupted into violence, with cars set alight and shop windows smashed.

The meeting in Switzerland comes a decade after a WTO ministerial meeting in Seattle aimed at driving forward global free trade was engulfed by violent protests.

This week’s conference is being held amid signs that global trade is recovering from its biggest contraction since the Great Depression.

The WTO member states represent about 95 percent of total global trade. Ministers last met 2005 in Hong Kong. A gathering scheduled for 2007 was postponed because of lack of progress on the trade round launched in Doha in 2001.
-The Hindu

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sea Level Rising Faster Than Forecast

(November 24, Bloomberg) Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are melting faster than expected and the future rise in sea level will be “much higher” than previously forecast, a group of 26 climate scientists said in a report today.

The rise in global sea level since 1995 has been 3.4 millimeters a year (0.13 inches), 80 percent greater than past predictions, said Richard Somerville, a professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego and a contributor to today’s report. Sea levels may rise 1 meter by 2100, double earlier forecasts, according to the report.

About half of the authors took part in a United Nations panel that in 2007 warned warming will cause water shortages to spread and droughts and floods to become more frequent. Today’s report includes three years of new observations, and fills in missing data such as the contribution of melting ice in Greenland and the Antarctic.

“Climate change is accelerating,” Somerville said in an interview. “It’s more severe than anticipated, and it’s occurring more rapidly than anticipated.”

The 2007 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said global warming is “very likely” caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels. It said the earth has warmed by 0.76 degrees Celsius (1.37 degrees Fahrenheit) since the 19th century, and will rise by an additional 1.1 to 6.4 degrees this century.

Some questions remain unresolved, such as warming’s impact on the strength and frequency of hurricanes, said Somerville, a lead author of the 2007 study. At the same time, “we didn’t find holes” in that report, he said.

Treaty Prospects
More than 190 nations will meet in Copenhagen from Dec. 7 to Dec. 18 in an effort to agree on international limits on emissions that contribute to global warming. World leaders, including U.S. President Barack Obama, have said a treaty won’t be completed in Copenhagen, and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said he’s hoping for agreement next year.

Today’s report was caught up in the long-running dispute between scientists who study global warming and skeptics who question the extent of human contributions to the phenomenon.

Private e-mails among scientists, including several of those who contributed to today’s report, were disclosed last week. Skeptics said the exchanges showed efforts to stifle opposing viewpoints and to overstate the case for the human role in global warming. The e-mails were obtained from a computer at the University of East Anglia in the U.K.

‘Scary Predictions’ 

Marc Morano, a skeptic who is editor of a Web site on the issue, said today’s report “is nothing more than an if-maybe- could-possibly-happen in the future. It’s really a bunch of scary predictions timed for a UN political meeting.”

The researchers prepared the report in part to answer challenges to the scientific consensus, Somerville said.
“There’s been an active campaign of disinformation that tends to make the issue seem confusing and to make the science community seem conflicted,” he said.

Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, the main man- made greenhouse gases blamed for global warming, increased to record concentrations in the atmosphere last year, the UN said today in a separate report. Carbon dioxide, produced from burning fossil fuels and deforestation, rose to 385.2 parts per million, or molecules per million molecules of dry air. That’s 2 ppm higher than a year earlier.

The G-8 group of nations has agreed to a proposal to keep the increase in global temperatures to within 2 degrees Celsius of pre-industrial times, a target that would avert the worst effects of climate change. Even if emissions rates stabilize at current levels, there’s a 25 percent chance that warming will exceed the 2 degree target, according to today’s report.

Exceeding Safe Levels
“We have already almost exceeded the safe level of emissions that would ensure a reasonably secure climate future,” Matthew England, joint director of the Climate Change Research Centre of the University of New South Wales, Australia, said in a statement. “Within just a decade global emissions need to be declining rapidly.”

Today’s report also found that summer melting of Arctic sea ice is happening faster than expected and that there has been “no significant changes” in the rate of global temperature rise.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sri Lanka to grow oil palm in 5000 hectares

(November 13, 2009) The cabinet of Sri Lanka has approved a proposal to import seeds of oil palm for the cultivation in estate lands managed by the plantation companies.

Under the programme, it is expected to cultivate palm oil in 5000 hectares..

Oil palm cultivation by the estates is criticized by some of the residents in the adjacent villages due to the trees' high consumption of water that cause the water resources to dry out.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sri Lanka schemes ‘legal reform’ to negate identity and grab land

[TamilNet, Wednesday, 11 November 2009, 02:34 GMT]
News reports from Colombo indicate Sri Lanka government is planning to revise the Theasa Vazhamai law of Tamils, which is a constituent legal code, ever since the formulation of the island’s current legal system by the Dutch. The urgency of the Sri Lanka state at this juncture is not social reformation but grabbing the lands of Tamils without legal hurdles, besides removing last vestiges of Tamil sovereignty in the state apparatus, Tamil legal circles said.

The very word ‘Theasa Vazhamai’ means the conventions of the nation or country.

This is a civil legal code applicable to the people of the Jaffna Peninsula and was codified by the Dutch in early 18th century, by compiling the traditional laws of the times of Tamil sovereignty before the advent of colonialism.

The legal code was a result of a consensus between the Dutch administration and the chieftains of Jaffna. Earlier, at the fall of the kingdom of Jaffna, the chieftains had a convention on such matters with the Portuguese. The details of this convention, mentioned by historians, are said to be available in the archives of Goa, but are yet to be translated.

The nomenclature Theasa Vazhamai implies that the Tamils had a Theasam (country) in the island and the incorporation of it as an identifiable legal code in the Roman-Dutch legal basis of the island by the Dutch indicates that separate sovereignty of Tamils in the island was acknowledged in matters of civil law. The territories of the kingdom of Jaffna were a separate unit called Jaffna Patnam under the colonial administrations of the Portuguese and the Dutch.

A Tamil coastal community of the eastern and western parts of the island also had a similar code compiled by the Dutch, but it became obsolete and removed in British times. When the British conquered Kandy in 1815, as a consequence of a convention between the British and the chieftains, the Kandyan Sinhalese received a similar legal code, which is still recognised as Kandyan Law.

The most conspicuous part of Theasa Vazhamai is its property and inheritance laws, which strike a balance between patriarchy and matriarchy, in differentiating Muthusam, property that comes in father’s line from Seethanam, property that comes in mother’s line.

Unlike the Tamil Nadu custom of Vara-thadcha’nai, which in etymology and in practice means donation to the bridegroom, the Seethanam of Jaffna means woman’s property and in practice also go in female line. Husbands live in wives houses and sons will not get the property when there are daughters.

British colonialism lenient to patriarchy, as seen with the case of the abolition of Marumakka’l Thaayam (a matrilineal practice among the Naayar community) in the princely state of Trivancore, brought in changes twice in Theasa Vazhamai too, according to which the husband has to countersign when a woman transacts her property.

The British version of Theasa Vazhamai, before changes, is available in the form of palm leaf manuscripts in London. Prof. S. Pathmanathan has reproduced some of them a couple of years ago in his book in Tamil on Theasa Vazhamai.

According to legal circles, what the Sri Lankan state eyeing now in the guise of social reform is erasing an important element in the property laws, called Earvai that prevents selling a land to others, when neighbours are prepared to pay the same money.

The law was a reason for strong ‘village identities’ among Tamils but at the same time also contributed to caste segregation of settlements.

Migration to foreign countries, displacement and the drastic conditions faced by Tamils are in many ways changing the social picture today in which diaspora remittance determines land transactions among castes, but yet as a social consensus, land is retained within Tamils and has not gone to non-Tamils.

The idea of the Sri Lankan state is to break the identity of Tamils with their land in their heartland on one hand, and on the other, to pave way for the purchase of Tamil lands by the new economic forces dominated by Sinhalese, said an academic in Jaffna, adding that once practical applicability is invalidated, Theasa Vazhamai, the symbol of a separate identity and the last vestige of legal sovereignty of Tamils in the island will become obsolete.

Some LTTE circles also, when there was a de facto state, thought of revising Theasa Vazhamai, but for social reasons. This is different from what the Sri Lanka government aims now without exclusive consent of the people concerned. This is a matter for Tamils to decide under their own sovereignty, the academic said.

The Sri Lankan state could have easily achieved multi-ethnic land ownership in any part of the island had it conceded the rights of Tamil nation in the island and had eliminated fear of genocide. But the state now tries to achieve it as a part of a systematic structural genocide after militarily crushing the balance of Tamils and some greedy powers are assisting to this process, the academic further said.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Justice Ministry to amend Thesawalame law

By Lakmal Sooriyagoda (Daily Mirror)
Ministry of Justice and Law Reform has taken measures to amend the Thesawalame law with necessary changes in line with the present requirements. The Ministry has appointed a committee headed by Justice Siri Pawan to look into the new provisions of the Thesawalame law. The Media Secretary to the ministry of Justice and law Reform Gamini Sarath Godakanda told the Daily Mirror.

Thesawalame law is applied to inhabitants of Tamils in the Northern Province and has been subjected to many controversies. According to this law, property can be divided into three categories, such as inherited property of the man from his parents; inherited property of the wife from her parents and the acquired property of the man and wife during their lifetime together.

According to this law, daughters inherit the property of the mother and sons inherit the property of the father. The acquired property is divided equally among the sons and daughters.

Critics say that some provisions of the Thesawalame law have not been able to evolve with time and social changes in society.

The Media Secretary said that the recommendations of the committee into the amendment of Thesawalame law had not still been received. He further said that Ministry had also appointed a committee to replace the archaic Prisons Ordinance and to introduce a new act to suit the present requirement. It is aimed at rehabilitating prisoners and to bring a more efficient prison administration structure.

Thesawalame is a territorial customary law of Sri Lanka. Thesawalame, in Tamil literally mean the customs of the land. It is ancient in its origin and has prevailed in Northern Sri Lanka.

Because of its popularity among local inhabitants, the Dutch first codified it in 1706 and the British gave it legal validity by the Thesawalame Regulation No 18 of 1806, Ordinance No 5 of 1869 and the Matrimonial Rights and Inheritance Ordinance of 1911.

The Thesawalame Pre-emption Ordinance of 1948 amended and consolidated the law of Pre-emption relating to the lands affected by the Thesawalame.

This is widely spoken for its recognition to the necessity of women’s ownership to land property for the security of their future.

Thesawalame is still a customary among a good proportion of the Jaffna Tamils.

 Fact box

    * Thesawalame is a territorial customary law of Sri Lanka.
    * Thesawalame, in Tamil literally mean the customs of the land. It is ancient in its origin and has prevailed in Northern Sri Lanka
    * The Dutch first codified it in 1706 and the British gave it legal validity by the Thesawalame Regulation No 18 of 1806, Ordinance No 5 of 1869 and the Matrimonial Rights and Inheritance Ordinance of 1911.
    * The Thesawalame Pre-emption Ordinance of 1948 amended and consolidated the law of Pre-emption relating to the lands affected by the Thesawalame.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Coconut industry hit by imported palm oil

(November 03, 2009) Sri Lanka's major opposition United National Party (UNP) yesterday charged that the coconut industry in the country was in serious trouble with 60 percent of coconut mills in the North Western province alone having been closed down.

Opposition Leader of the North Western Province Shamal Senarath told a news conference yesterday that the coconut industry is in dire state because the excessive importation of palm oil to the country. He alleged that the import duty on palm oil had been reduced to 5 percent from 28 percent in order to satisfy a few businessmen who import palm oil and have state patronage.

The government had not taken meaningful measures to revive the coconut industry despite Minister of Nation Building Salinda Dissanayake who is in charge of the subject threatening to submit his resignation if no effective steps are taken to revive the dying industry, he said.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Proposals for the resettlement of people in the North and East

(Summary of the discussion held on 11th August 2009 at MONLAR) 
    1.The country is faced with the daunting task of resettling almost 300,000 people within the next four months. Most of these are originally independent farmers, with a long tradition of sustainable agriculture. They possess a treasure trove of knowledge which will be destroyed for ever if they are forced, against their will, to work on large export oriented farms operated by large entrepreneurs. 
    2.Over a period of more than twenty-five years, we have been advocating natural agriculture (with slight change of emphasis, variously known as organic agriculture, sustainable agriculture, low-input agriculture etc.) as the most suitable form of agriculture globally, and more urgently, for countries such as Sri Lanka. It has been adapted as public policy in a number of countries across the world. It is also now the publicly stated policy of the Government of Sri Lanka, under Mahinda Chinthanaya.
    ( Note 1. If necessary  , a short description of the applicability and advantages of natural agriculture such as savings on the cost of inputs, natural soil improvement, health benefits and the special advantages of small scale farming in adopting natural methods etc. could be added and I would like to suggest that Dr.Lionel Weerakoon could write this or Dr.Gamini Kulathunga)
    3.The best option for the country as a whole if it is to simultaneously achieve the objectives of:
      Resettling 300,000 people within four months,
      Providing them with a satisfactory quality of life,
      Making a start on the road to national harmony,
      Reducing the risk of a new insurrection,
      Reducing defence expenditure and improving national security, Eliminating the national food deficit and improving nutrition levels,
      Improving national health standards
      Poverty elimination and getting the best participation of the people in planning and implementing their own development process
    would be to seek a methodology for the strategy of natural farming.
    4.However, it has been very difficult to affect the changeover from high-input agriculture to natural agriculture due to two main reasons, viz. conservatism of the people, and more importantly, the influence of vested interests, both local and global.
    5.Contrary to conventional neo-liberal thinking, it has been scientifically well established that small and medium sized farms are more productive than large farms.
    6.The otherwise tragic outcome of the thirty-year war has presented a golden opportunity to Sri Lanka to implement this form of agriculture as the preferred mechanism of development in the Northern Province, thus setting an example to the rest of the country.
    7.It is possible to identify almost immediately a large number of small mine-free localities with natural or man-made sources of water suitable for human settlement. Immediate action should be taken to establish such settlements around the watersheds with their original inhabitants, together with reservations for essential communal needs such as grazing grounds, forest reservations etc.
    8.In order to bring about this transformation from conventional external input dependent agriculture to natural agriculture there is a need to have an intensive programme of re-education and training. Therefore mechanisms of such training and extension work should be established. For this purpose the already existing expertise among ecological farmers and experts should be utilised, which could be a very effective way of rebuilding good will and friendship among the farming communities _ establishing educational institutes to do research and training in ecological / nature farming could be an effective measure.
     9.There is a possibility of obtaining external expertise and experiences from similar groups applying nature farming in India and rest of Asia if necessary

  1. Such immediate resettlement will alleviate the suffering of, and in addition, generate a lot of goodwill among, the people.

    11. They may be encouraged to develop their cultivation on the traditional co-operative basis relevant to their customs and locality.
We expect common agreement on the above from among all interested parties, including the government, enabling immediate implementation.

Sustainable Agriculture Policy and Development Programme in Sri Lanka

By Dr. Lional Weerakon,
Coordinator of SARD,
(Centre for Sustainable Agriculture Research and Development),
1151/58A, 4th Lane, Kotte Road, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka.

The need for a Sustainable Agriculture Policy
The need for this policy is to have a unified approach, to establish a farming system in Sri Lanka, which is environmentally and economically sustainable and socially just. This will guide a process that would bring about a joint agreement and a consensus among all stake holders in the country, about a common aim and a strategy towards achieving the goals in agriculture. This will also establish a framework that would be necessary to bring about specific agreements and action plans that would be necessary between individual institutions and groups.
The aim of a sustainable agriculture policy
Through a policy of sustainable agriculture conservation of the environmental resources base and its sustainability would be ensured. Further, it would nourish the livelihoods of the rural population and the farming community and would make a positive contribution to the production and productivity in the agricultural sector.

The self sufficient agricultural economy that prevailed in Sri Lanka for thousands of years was cracked by the European imperialists and was transformed into export crop agriculture. Later in the 1960s agriculture became commercialized due to the introduction of green revolution and input dependent agriculture. After 1977 open market policies were chosen as the development process in Sri Lanka this gave priority to export oriented agriculture and the country was made open to imported agricultural products from foreign countries, forcibly.
Traditional Agricultural systems which were a creation of nature thus ended up in a type of farming that was monoculture and depended on external inputs. The basis of green revolution was the use of high yielding seeds and a set of external inputs. This set of external inputs included chemical fertilizer, weedicides, pesticides and irrigated water systems and also use of machinery that ran on fossil fuel.
The plantation crop farming that was introduced by the British penetrated deep into the sensitive ecological systems in the country   Mono crop farming was always its pattern.
Crisis in Agriculture
This evolution has given us detrimental results and has developed into a serious crisis.

The agro ecological systems have depleted and have got polluted due to the negligence of the natural resources base and environment.  The Environmental Authority reports that that 45% of the agricultural land has got seriously eroded.  It has also resulted in the loss of fertility of the land that is used for plantation crops.  As a result of this, there is silting of irrigation and water resources On land that is unmanaged in the seed tea plantations the loss of soil due to erosion has been estimated to be around 40 tons annually. And in the replanting process the soil loss is around 240 Tons. The quantity of nitrate nitrogen in water contained in water has been increasing due to pollution caused by chemical inputs in farming. Methamogbinimea or birth of blue babies, Kidney diseases and over nutrition has been increasing. Due to the efforts made in getting maximum yields using monocrops.  There has been serious impacts on environment and on the economy. AS a result we are fast losing the genetic diversity that we have inherited. The diversity of indigenous agricultural is being lost too.  In the year 2008 the government allocation for fertilizer subsidy was Rs. 25,000 million. Accordingly the allocation for fertilizer subsidy on one hectare is Rs. 50,000.  Pesticides have adversely affected the farmer's health, quality of food while some pests have got accustomed and adopted to the pesticides. The number of deaths caused by pesticide poisoning is very large.   
Since our farmers have been compelled to compete with farmers of countries such as India where farmers are given subsidies the domestic agriculture prices and their production has fallen. The acreage cultivated has fallen down too.  As a result the quantities of agricultural products imported to the country have been increasing.  The foreign exchange spent on these imports has been increasing too. (The foreign exchange spent on food imports in year 1985 was US $ 300 million, in 1998 it was US $ 650 million and at present it has exceeded US $ 1,000 million).  Today 32 % of our food is imported. Also the GDP contribution of agriculture in 1991 was 28% and it decreased down to 19% in 2004 while it dropped further to 12.1 % in 2008.
Another important and a crucial factor that needs to be taken into consideration is that 75% of our population lives in rural areas and that 70% of them have agriculture as their livelihood. The result of the above facts is that 80% of these people live in poverty. Out of the population in Sri Lanka 50.7 % does not receive the daily requirement of 2030 Kilo Calories that a person should receive as food. According to UNICEF reports 29% of the children below the age of five are of less than the required weight. 14% of them are seriously undernourished.

External input dependent agriculture affects the farmer community especially because they have to make a large capital investment to do this agriculture. They also have a risk in their marketing and their profits are marginal.

Therefore they face constant shocks and as a result the inability they have in repaying the debts they obtain they have a constant tendency to leave agriculture systematically. There are frequent occasions when they have to sell their land and become laborers working on the same land.. The young people are leaving agriculture too. Thus, agriculture no longer is a viable economy and it is no longer an effective livelihood.

Sustainable agriculture and its approach  
Due to chemical inputs and due to intensive crop farming the organic content and accumulation and the nutrients are continuously reducing. Due to the minimizing of microbial activity the natural processes of rebuilding of soil fertility has come to a stand still, or it is at a very low level. The environmental system is getting wasted and depleted. The only solution to this problem is to provide the facilities for the biological regeneration of the natural environmental system. By now the whole world has begun to recognize this crisis and begun to show great interest in reestablishing agro ecological systems with high priority given to sustainable agriculture. In this what happens is to give back to nature the ability that it has lost in regenerating itself.  By this process organic matter and the carbon content in the soil gets reaccumulated.   Through this process a suitable environment is recreated for maintaining the productive ability of crops at an optimal level.

In measuring the success of agriculture today, linier measurements are adopted. The measure is to look at the quantity of kilograms or tons of crops that can be obtained as yield from a hectare of land.  Due to this most of the experiments were conducted to almost entirely to breed crop varieties that give higher yields. The objective was to utilize external inputs to get maximum yields. In this the other factors that affect agriculture were ignored, which made agriculture today unsustainable.

Sustainability is a dynamic concept. In this there are three main dimensions that come together. Accordingly, sustainable agriculture is economically viable, socially just and environmentally sustainable. In measuring the success of agriculture all these three dimensions have to be calculated with equal status given to them.
In doing Sustainable Agriculture, natural processes such as recycling of nutrients, fixation of nitrogen, and regeneration of soil and the allowing of the growth of predators that control the pests that damage the productive processes, are integrated into the farming process is one of the objectives.  Another objective is to minimize the use of external inputs that are poisonous, do damage to natural environment, to agriculture and to the consumers equally and those that do not assist the regeneration.( agrochemical fertilizers, weedicides, pesticides, fungicides and fuel run machinery )   Due to this form of agriculture the knowledge and skills of the farmer becomes more meaningful and their creativity finds new opportunities. They receive opportunities to strengthen self confidence and faith in themselves.
Sustainable agriculture produces diversity of food that one needs at home, as well as for the market, simultaneously.  In addition this form of agriculture cleans the environment, prevents pollution of water, and fixes carbon which reduces the quantity of CO-2 let out to the atmosphere and therefore reduces global warming as its direct effects. Additional positive results are the development of a better quality of a global vision and improvement of bio diversity of the farming lands.
There is a report that has been produced by a research carried out by 400 scientists / specialists under the title IAASTD (International Assessment of Agriculture Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development) with backing from FAO, GEF, UNDP, UNEP, UNESCO, World Bank and WHO (April 14, 2008) According to this research 120 countries of the world there are 31 million hectares of land that is devoted to production of organic food. In addition there are traditional / indeginous farming that collects wild collections of food on 61 million hectares of land.    (Refer annex 1 for other findings of this research report). In addition it is said that this land is rapidly expanding and in 10 years this area has expanded 280 times. Already in countries such as Cuba and Switzerland, sustainable agriculture has been adopted as the agricultural policy of their central governments.  In addition Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, have adopted food sovereignty as the food policy of their governments. Nepal has included Food Sovereignty into its Constitution. Here the main thematic farming is sustainable agriculture.

Present situation of sustainable agriculture in our country

There are about 538 organisations in Sri Lanka that are adopting sustainable agriculture practices. Out of these organisations most have utilized technologies and practices that they have experimented on and have developed. (Annex 2). They use these for rice farming and for vegetable and other crop farming. Further, Indigenous seeds and yams are being conserved. The agricultural research sectors in the country too have carried out a diversity of extremely useful researches into this subject. Several of them have already been made popular among the farmers too. (Annex 3) e.g. Composting, recycling of straw as fertilizer. The National Science Council has summarized 108 of these experimental reports. According to these research documents various sustainable agriculture practices have been experimented on by researchers. (Annex 4) Since the government policy was to promote and encourage Green Revolution technologies there was no acceptance given to these researches. Neither was there any encouragement given to such experimentation.

Principles of practices related to sustainable agriculture

  1. There is no releasing of poisonous or damaging emissions into environment such as to the atmosphere, to water, and ground water.
  2. Sustainable agriculture gives priority to retention of soil fertility, undepleted and creates regeneration. For this prevention of soil erosion, utilizing natural resources obtained from farm land or from the environment such as cow dung, cow urine, left overs from the previous seasons farming, waste material that decomposes , plants that fixes nitrogen etc. are added on instead of agrochemicals and external inputs is done. Due to this knowledge of the recycling of fertility material, conservation of soil and water and of the surrounding environment enhances.
  3. The soil moisture of the top soil is maintained and recharging of ground water takes place. In all development work the catchment area base should be maintained and improved. By doing this the water needs of the environment and of humans is fulfilled. 
  4. On a single plot of land subsidiary crops that increases the spatial diversity, multi crops and the growing of plants and trees to reach to different canopies  and crop rotation that increases the temporal diversity one after another is utilized. allowing the land to be fallow and strip cropping are other practices that are adopted. By doing this the risks of soil erosion is reduced and the reduction of crop density is minimized.
  5. On the cultivated land or outside it, the landscape or residences are established to improve the bio diversity of the natural environment eg. Kattakaduwa, Gasgommana, embankments of the lakes (dola), or streams, badaweti, Owita, Pillewa, landa, or the village forests and other commons are protected  or reestablishing them where they have disappeared so that the parasites and predators that are necessary for farming will have their residences.
  6. The regional genetic diversity is recovered (such as the vegetables, yams, pulses, crude crops fruits etc are reestablished) and conserved to be utilized for agricultural development.
  7. Regional and national knowledge is protected and conserved and integrated into the process of agricultural development.
  8. The right of the rural population to have access to knowledge and technology about agricultural practices should be established while the resources of farming such as (seeds, water, forests, and bio diversity) and market should be subject to regional control and rule. Thus, in deciding about agriculture and in formulating policies obtaining the contribution of farming community should be a primary factor.

 Annex (1)
  1. Due to chemical inputs the organic and nutrient content continuously reduces. Due to increasing population it becomes impossible to maintain water or healthy soil in the environmental systems. The only solution is to improve the biologically regenerative crop production systems to bring back soil and water into its natural regenerative state.
  2. although it takes some time to transform systems of farming where chemical inputs have been heavily utilized back  into sustainable systems of farming, a system of farming where less external inputs have been used back into normal sustainability within a relatively short time.
  3. According to the literary reviews conducted the yields obtained in sustainable agriculture in developed countries is equivalent to those obtained with chemical inputs.  However, in developing countries sustainable agriculture gives higher yields compared to those given by chemical agriculture
  4. During the period of transformation from chemical farming to sustainable farming give 30% - 40%, Maize 10% -20% , Potatoes 30% - 40% vegetables 10% - 40% and fruits 30% less yields there is no difference in yields once soil productivity has been brought back to normal.
  5. In humid and semi humid zones rice, wheat, pulses, coffee, banana, and coco have shown the same results.
  6. It has been further shown that in addition to productive potential these sustainable farming practices have given positive contributions such as cleaner environments, reduced pollution of water, food becoming free of poison, and minimizing of global warming.

Annex 2
The practices applied by farmers, community based organisations, civil society organisations etc.
1. Soil and water conservation            - stone bunds and organic bunds
                                                          -. Eye brow bunds / ridges
                                                          - Mulching
                                                           - SALT (Sloping Agricultural Land            Technology)
                                                           - Alley cropping
                                                                   - Live fencing
2. Improving the micro environment - live fencing
3.  Improving soil fertility                   -   Live compost pits
                                                             -   Wormy compost
                                                             -   Compost fertilizer
                                                             - Various tonics and organic liquid fertilizers
                                                             - Using straw as fertilizer
                                                             -  Jeevamurtha
                                                             - Pancha Kawya
4. Cropping systems                             - mixed cropping
                                                             -  terracing
                                                             -  SRI system, Nava Kekulama
4.1. herbal  pest control                       -  Neem mixture
                                                             -  Chili, Anoda, Garlic, mixture
                                                             -  Leaf mixtures
5. Self production of seeds                  -   Saving the balance seeds
                                                            -    setting up plant nurseries
                                                            -   Selection of seeds
                                                            -    Storage of seeds
5.1 Pest control                                   - Neem mixtures, Caster oil

Annex 3
Experiments conducted by the Research sector
Blue green algae                                            L
Assolla                                                           L
Sesbenia Rostrata                                          L
Sesbenia Speciosa                                         L
N fixing plants on the ridges                         L
Recycling of straw                                        L
alley cropping ( utilizing gliricidia )             Up
SALT system                                                Up
Compost                                                        Up
Rhizobial inoculum                                       Up
Biofilmed biofertilizer                                   LUp
Use of green leaves ( nitrogen fixing )          LUp
Wormy compost                                             Up
cover crops                                                     Up
prevention of soil erosion                               Up
agroforestry                                                    Up
IPNS                                                               LUp

L – low land paddy rice
up – upland ( rain-fed )

Annex 4

Results of experiments
Since these researches have been limited to only one or two seasons it was not possible to have quantitative results / data in synthesizing them However, some trends could be seen.
  1. In traditional agriculture the carbon accumulation increased by 12% during the fallow period and the gathering of nutrients to the soil is high. The yield obtained after a long fallow period is equivalent to the yield obtained by application of the recommended quantity of fertilizer.
  2. when an improved fallow period is achieved in a paddy field by using Sesbenia spekiyosa ( diya siyambala ) the yield obtained is very near the yield obtained after using the recommended quantity of fertilizer.  Due to chemical fertilizer the soil nitrogen decreases over a long term. However when Sesbeniya leaves are added to the soil the nitrogen fixing bacteria density in the soil increases.  When Sesbenia ( dry weight of 4.4 mt / ha ) is added to the bio mass at 25% of the recommended quantity of nitrogen fertilizer is added the paddy yield increases beyond the expected yield with the addition of recommended nitrogen fertilizer.  If green fertilizer is added to the soil on a longer term it is possible to completely eliminate the chemical fertilizer to the soil.
  3. When Ipil ( 8mt /ha ) is used it is possible to obtain a yield equivalent to that obtained with addition of 88 Kg of N ( 5 mt /ha ) Using 2.2 mt/ha of Ipil leaves it is possible to reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizer to half the recommended quantity.
  4. When 8mt /ha of straw gets decomposed in the field it gives 30Kg of N and the total quantity of K( potassium ) necessary. By doing this the recommended quantity of chemical fertilizer can be reduced by this amount.  In the wet zone only it is necessary to add a small quantity of K to the field. By recycling organic matter and straw fertilizer it is possible to increase the nitrogen fixation that is done by free living ( heterotrophic  ) bacteria. the syeno bacteria   it is  possible to produce 30Kg N /.ha. By this it is possible to contribute a certain quantity of potassium and phosphorous too.
  5. Blue green algae such as nostock and anabena can also fix nitrogen by this 10 -20 Kg N /ha can be produced.
  6. When 12-15 Kg/ha of P O is added to the paddy field it is possible to get 10 -20 kg .ha of asolla bio mass within two weeks. However if asolla is applied twice to the field it is possible to reduce 55-84 Kg of fertilizer. By doing this it is possible to obtain a yield of 3.74 -3.98 mt/ha of yield.  Using asolla is more efficient than using urea the texture of the soil and aeration and the capacity for exchange of cations improves too. which helps in improving the bio activity of the soil
  7. when 50 % of bio tissues and bio fertilizer is  used with recommended chemical fertilizer  the yield in rice / paddy is equivalent to that obtained when 100 % of recommended chemical fertilizer is applied.  The results obtained with tea leaves and with anthurium are similar.
  8. Tithonia ( thiththa ) and glicidia leaves when applied on soil can remove the need for 50 % of the chemical fertilizer need in green gram.
  9. When SALT farming is done by planting gliricidia and Ipil the leaf fertilizer thus added to soil will give yields of 2.5 -8.8 T/ha of yield in maize and dambala.  In the two years this was done there was no application of N and K fertilizer to the soil.  In Gliricidia and Ipil SALT farming 18.9 and 8.8 T/ha of fire wood was obtained as yield. the bulk density of the soil reduces and the infiltration rates increase the pH and N and K in the soil improves too.  Further since gliricidia is a SALT cultivation 90 % of the soil erosion in chena land is prevented and soil is considerably conserved too. 
  10. It is possible to grow gliricidia and ipil in combination with grasses such as brakeria and panikam combinations by growing them in grown up coconut plantations which can provide fodder for cattle varieties such as jersey and improved indigenous cattle breeds. By doing this the yields in coconut fruits and copra can be improved. B adopting this integrated approach the chemical fertilizer use in coconut can be reduced by about 69 %.
  11. By applying chicken dung and cow dung mixtures the use of recommended quantities of chemical fertilizer in Brinjols, Cabbage, and tomato can be made equivalent to that obtained using recommended chemical fertilizer quantities. It can even be higher. Due to chicken fertilizer the nematode density in the soil can be reduced too. By applying cow dung alone the yield in Rajala ( Diaschoria ) can give equivalent yields to when recommended chemical fertilizer NPK is applied.

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